Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday, December 4, 2008

forget me not!


damn its been long, im sure no one really bothers reading this, but if you do , HEY! anyways 
i guess i feel like blogging today because i think im experincing an emotion i never have before. I feel Forgotten. I guess i should have seen this coming i mean, i live across the world from everything, everyone, my home. It just really sucks because i try so hard to stay in touch with people. I wake up early on the weekends so i can talk to my chicago friends. Maybe that doesn't seem like such a big commitment but it is to me. I havent forgotten them at all! They are all still very much in my mind and heart. But lately it seems that they have forgotten me. Now im thinking about my other friends that have moved, and if i really stayed in touch with them, some yes some no. But its not like i've stopped thinking about them. When one of my friends moved to england, i stayed in contact with her for a while, just not lately since i moved here. I think it must depend on the person because i still reach out to all my friends now its up to them to reach out to me. 
I really hate this because i dont to lose them, because to me they are my life friends i've known most of them since i was 5 , and i just moved to singapore. Honestly, people in Singapore are not friendly at all, they always have to trash talk somebody. I always look forward to my weekends when i can talk to my chi town friends because i know i'll have nice conversation and be happy again. 
i just dont wanna be forgotten, thats all i guesss

Sunday, October 12, 2008

booo on POCKEY/ denise richards says "fatass" way to much

OMG considering ive have been one sad brownie recently i forgot to mention the spectacular events of 1st night of october break!me and my bestie christy decided to have one last night on the town or the quay (river idk boat and clarke) before we parted ways, any way so basically we decided to get classily smashed, aka just a bit gone not like falling all over the place. so anyway first we hit up boat quay and went to this little place by  the river rwhich had 8 dolla margaritas which are pretty cheap in singapore, not the best, then we had this shitty singapore sling eww. While we were waiting for the bill we see a bunch of little tiny tots presumbly from sas or someother international school. trying to be all hard and get into this bar, and all these boys in striped polos were holding hands of baby prostitues, but then i started to wonder if we looked like that , not baby prostitutes, but OBVIOUSLY KIDS. lol so i think the part really just made the evening was when we paid and then i got the change and then iw as like make sure nothing else is in there , and LOW AND BEHOLD the dim waiter forgot to take the 50 out so he basically gave us 80 bucks! okay so i am still pondering whether or not that was morally wrong. I think it was, please forgive me gods, well anyway sO we were likle yea fuck this, and then on our way to clarke quay i decieded to topple down some stairs. Christie thought i had died but apperently im invincible i hate stilletos! but i love them at the same time.  
Then we went to this amazin bar in clakre quay/ got some falfel which was v. good! and did some serious boy checking out, i wonder if i am going to be a lady with a billion cats bcuz i am not getting any. I hope this willl change in college. anyway back to the story christie got a sex on the beach (she was cracking up the whole time when seh was saying it showing how mature we are. and i got this lychee martini which i spilled i bit latter on in the night). ANd alas the night came to a close but not before we hit up the CoFFE cLUB, and got some amazin desssert. ha anyway that was my amazing night before i was dragged off to Malaysia on a family historical holiday. 

Double score no dance or hw for me to night!!! BOO YAH (omg that was so lame , i apologize.) BUT OMG i was one the phone watching E! becuase singapore doesnt have that good of a varitey of channels and DEnise richacrds its complicated comes on and she says im such a fat ass like a billion times in a the most midwestern accent possible AHH UR A BOND GIRL SHUT UP , then i ws lilke who a i need to lose weight and of course im chowing down on something at about that time! AKA POckey which islike 20 cents instead of 5 dollars

boo school tomara i dont wanna go! i think ill rock my boots and my extra large headphones , god i wanna go to college


  Wow i havent really written in a really long time. i thought about it, but  i just didnt want to, i guess. well fall break is coming to an end, and im dreading it. i really dont wanna go back to sas, in fact I'm dreading it. its just so uhhhhhh i HATE IT, even more than i did initially. and it sucks cause when my chi city friends ask , im always like yea its great........... yea its really not.  I'm also really mad bcuz all the adults around me keep telling me that  friends fade anyway so i would be experincing this anyway, but its not true my friends back home were my life friends, i've known them all so long, it wouldnt just fade like typical high school friends, and here im never going to find any like them. I am also scared that im going to fade away for them, are they just gonna forget me by senior year? like i never exsisted? its really freaking me out, cause i know we all move on with our lives and shit but its like im not there i think about chi city all the time, but its like all my friends are still there, im the only thing thats missing....i just am really having a hard time here.

I got these really sick(sas word ) heels from charles and keith, they are really hot! there all sliver and strappy and criss crosy. but i just ugg fuck not even my fav sport of shopping can take my mind off this. ON A BRIGHT NOTE
my friend janu won hc queeen in chi city! im so glad shes so pretty and nice, she deserves to win, my brown beauty!lol fuck dance class tomorrow i really dont wanna go 

sorry this was such an emo/deep post 

lo siento
i just 


i miss 

i <3>

oh and tonight i went to sammy's curry place  they serveu food on a bana leaf it was pretty BA, oh and for thanxgiving im going to AUSSIE LAND! to check out universities! im super pumped,i really wanna go to uni there and college just in general! if anyone who is reading this ever wants to go to SAS (SHIT ASS SCHOOL or the actual name) PLEAse do not! its so horrible. but then again i just might be worked up cause i just watched a walk to remeber and even though it has nothing to do with the southside of chicago it made me really homesick, and then i might have listend to the fray , but besides them im strictly hip hop and indians music. 

Monday, September 29, 2008

yay! my english teacher loves me!

Yay! I think this was about the best monday , ive had in a long time. I had free first, then instead of doing hw which i shoulda been doing me and some girls got into this intense political debate, we basically concluded that none of us like palin. In English class we had this super intense literature test! i was SO flustered dear me! I was like whipping out facts and cultural references from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata left right and center. BUT i think this might have been the best part of my day! So I've been getting really stressed out lately because october grades are coming out and i just wanna do really good, so i can be proud and my parents can be proud and everything. I didnt have that hot a grade in english but then today she handed back our "epic hero" essays and i got a 92! i was so excited and now i have an 84 in english! which is really exciting! now i need to get this physics grade up to par! ahhh this one kid is my physics class is kinda fine.... im not gonna lie. OH ALso i thought we had a test today in physics so i was really not  happy that i had to skip lunch to study and then i find out that THERE IS NO TEST! well its on thursday but WHATEVER~

Yesterday i went to Sifas(Singapore Indian Fine Arts School) in Little india and signed up for lessons. OMG i have not danced in so long and this was definently a RUDE WAKE UP CALL!  i think i need to re perfect my technique and i think just everything in general. THis dance school is so different from Pranita Auntie. This one is so TRADITONal to the max they like sing chants with their handgestures and during their namaskar. I was like WTFF! thank god Tulsi is taking it too! otherwise i would be so nervous! Oh and their is no AIR CON , there is a little fan! on the Mrt i was like dying on pain and everyone was staring at me. OMG legs still kill ahhh fuckkkk. Oh and apperently one of the dance teachers is gay and dresses like a woman. interesting considering its so strict and all! 

anyway my hand really hurts so i shall end this now!